Outing to STEAM

12 June 2018

As part of our 50th Anniversary Year we arranged for Canon Brian Arman to give the fourth and final part of his talk on Swindon Works in a surviving section of the former workshops at STEAM ­ the Museum of the Great Western Railway.

A total of thirty six members and friends made their way to Swindon for this special occasion. After coffee we went into the museum through the introductory displays and saw the re­creations of the works offices, foundry and the various workshops before reaching the main exhibits. Brian Arman and Mike Wyatt joined us at this point. They are both founder members of the Friends of Swindon Railway Museum and were able to give us some interesting additional information.

After seeing the subsequent sections about building the GWR, operations, goods and passenger traffic, stations, etc., we all gathered around Caerphilly Castle for a group photo. We then had a break for lunch before assembling in the Sir Daniel Gooch Theatre for Brian Arman’s talk (see report by John Uncles). All those returning to Wells on the coach agreed that it had been an excellent day.